I speak often of my time in the hospital, which was a fate worse than death. I don’t know why I am still talking about it. It was such a long time ago, and so much has happened since. I suppose people grieve in different ways. I wrote a book, and I continue to write an article each week about my experience with mental illness, but I have made happier memories since those six months of pure hell.
It is really hard to move on when you have been exposed to so much trauma, but I am recovering. I now recognize my parents. I can sit still long enough to read a book. I have built social skills, and made a few friends. I have traveled. I got engaged! I have not been manic in a very long time. When I get depressed it is with reason. I wish I could say I am a better listener, but I am working on that. I am stable, and my life is happy. It took me a long time to get here.
My life lately, as I’m sure most everyone can relate to, has been drastically different from “normal” since this pandemic. I have gotten a little depressed and anxious on some days and have definitely suffered my share of cabin fever. But my life right now has many happy aspects to it as well. I am spending more time with my dog, Logan, every day. My future husband has been unemployed, so he is home. I am enjoying my time with him. I will miss him quite a lot whenever he is able to go back to work, though I hope that day is coming soon.
We are getting married, so that is something to look forward to. I don’t know when it will be safe for our families to gather safely in a church in order for this to happen, but I look forward to it and it gives me hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I do miss going on vacation and going about daily life the way we previously did; but right now, I am enjoying being stable, relatively happy, and hopeful.
I like to remember events in my past fondly, knowing that those days are over, but being filled with joy that they happened.
I am enjoying some good books, going for drives in the car without destinations, and being outside in the sunshine whenever possible. Rush and I have started cooking together and building new happy memories.
I am sick to death of television. As of late, I have been working out while I watch tv so that I feel productive instead of lazy; so that my brain doesn’t turn to mush.
I have been illustrating, sketching, and being creative.
I guess I just wanted to let you all know that I am living outside of the “box” now, no matter how much I talk about it. It feels like coming back from the dead.
I hope everyone is finding ways to stay sane right now. I want you all to know that writing these articles helps keep me that way. So, thank you for reading. Stay safe!
Hello Samantha, You are one brave girl and you are moving in the right direction with happiness and hope. this days it is hard on everyone young and old. Life has changed but we all trying to cut our blessings like you do and they are many.
Wishing you the light at the end of the tunnel and lots of blessings.
Thank you for your kind words, Lea. It is very important to be grateful for what we have in times like these and always. Thank you also for your feedback! Much hope and blessings,