“Support” 08.02.24

When you feel completely alone, remember the people in your life who shine on your rainy days. Appreciate them, and follow their rainbows. The company we keep molds us into who we are today. If we are fortunate to have friends and family in our lives, we must not take that support for granted. Many do not possess such blessings.

Recently, I traveled to Chicago. The wind is nearly strong enough to lift you from the ground and toss you about like a wandering balloon. Doors are heavier to prevent them from splaying open with the draft. The air is dry, akin to a desert, and water is a precious commodity. Several times a day, I purchased bottled water. Many times, I didn’t taste a drop, as I observed those who needed it more than I did; I gave it away. The recipients accepted and quickly retreated, cradling the water as if it would be stolen upon discovery.

One day, I paused at the street corner to wait for the “walk signal.” There was a woman struggling so obviously with her inner voices. She was self-medicating with alcohol, but it appeared to have no lasting effects. I wanted to approach this person and tell her that I understood what she was going through, but stopped myself. I have no idea what she was going through. My inner voices are neatly tucked away, due to medications, therapy, money, family, a home, a stable routine and a beautiful life. This woman was homeless, had seemingly uncontrollable issues, no support system, and a five dollar beer.

Every morning, I wake up in a safe environment. I play fetch with my dog while I drink my first cup of coffee, all while wearing large comfortable clothing. I write, draw, and color, hoping to spread my message and help others in need. I am eternally grateful for the life which has been bestowed upon me. I have my struggles, but I do not face them alone.