“Jessica” 12.12.24

Once Upon a Time…thirty-five years ago…my life was forever changed. I became a big sister for the first time. I was extremely excited. My sole disappointment was the discovery that she would not be able to play with me immediately.

As an only child, my parents set up play dates with friends my age, but I never knew how to truly love someone until my sister was born. When you spend your life knowing someone, there are always adjectives to describe them; as you both grow and learn together, your relationship takes you to a place where words are unnecessary.

Jessica is selfless and kind. She listens, and her heart is so full. She loves her family to the greatest extent, and cares for others above her own needs.

Over the years, as I was Jessica’s big sister, she was also mine. I walked her down the aisle at lunch, taking great care to protect her from peanuts. We have laughed and cried together, played and fought. I made all kinds of mistakes, and supposedly she was meant to learn from them. Whether or not they were lessons, we made a lot of them together. We never turned our backs to each other. She has stood by me in my darkest hours.

Jessica is an extraordinary person, my best friend, and my first little sister. She is my hero, and certainly an angel on earth. I am so grateful to have Jessica in my life, and I am honored to be her big sister. I love her beyond measure. On this day and every day, I celebrate her life.

Happy birthday, Stister!


One thought on ““Jessica” 12.12.24

  • December 22, 2024 at 2:24 pm

    So sweet. I have always wanted a sister. Three brothers are fun but I needed a sister to enjoy. Lucky you, you have three sisters to love and be loved back. Grammy

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